FLIP+ | Panel: Translating the Forest

With Flora Thomson-DeVeaux and Katrina Dodson

Host: Pedro Meira Monteiro, professor at Princeton University

Flora Thomson-DeVeaux and Katrina Dodson are internationally renowned translators. Katrina wrote translations for works by novelist and short story writer Clarice Lispector which were published by A New Directions Books. She is currently working on a new English translation to “Macunaíma”, also by A New Directions. Flora re-translated “The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas” (Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas) and is now translating into English the Amazonian section of Mário de Andrade’s “O Turista Aprendiz” travel journal, both published by Penguin Classics.

Date and time:

11/30/2021 4pm
