A pluralidade da margem

Casa Poéticas Negras Rua Rua Comendador José Luiz, 398 C HISTÓRICO., Paraty

Mesa com Tawane Theodoro e Jéssica Campos, e mediação de Brenalta.

Spoken Word: Match (Música e Poesia)

Casa Poéticas Negras Rua Rua Comendador José Luiz, 398 C HISTÓRICO., Paraty

Evento com Patrícia Jimin, King, a Braba e Brenalta. Música e literatura se encontram num espetáculo cheio de poesia e afeto. Com uma proposta inovadora, Match é um espetáculo de Spoken Word que convida artistas das mais diversas vertentes musicais e literárias para apresentar um repertório autoral, com músicas que abordam questões da atualidade.

table 1: the streets have a soul – João do Rio, the guest of the dew

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

A brief lesson on João do Rio, the novelty of the chronicle, the fascination with the city that was modernizing and also the attention to the tradition that built it. An update of João do Rio's legacy as a key to understanding the contradiction in which we are founded.

table 2: the city against us

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

Two fundamental names in contemporary Brazilian literature who, each in their own way, create forms of modern chronicles. Observation of the city and its walls, with a magnifying glass and sensitivity for those who are far from the big cities.

table 3: from dust we come

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

Two brilliant novelists who, through their literary creation, courageously discuss the most difficult issues of life in the diaspora: racism, the position of women, whitening and the founding pain of women who move amidst this violence, but learn and teach resistance, struggle and joy.

table 4: the secret life of emotions

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

Ilaria Gaspari is a philosopher who looks to the history of ancient philosophy to understand the world and who we are today. Marcela Dantés is a writer who looks at modern psychoanalysis to tell stories that could be set in any time. Everything that goes on inside to build impressive narratives.

table 5: Inventing in Latin America

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

Two of the greatest names in Latin American literature talk about literature and their most recent novels, which reflect on how the climate emergency reaches every corner of the world, even small towns. A certain legacy of magical realism, feverish imagination and absolute literary skill guide their fundamental reflections on today's world.

table 6: sleeping with the enemy

Auditório da Matriz Praça da Matriz, Paraty, RJ

Artificial intelligence, data usage policies, consumer choices: big techs are everywhere and controls the world with their silent network. A table to reflect on how they influence our way of consuming, working, creating and living.