Silvana Tavano

Silvana Tavano was born in São Paulo in 1957. She has a degree in Journalism from the School of Communications and Arts at USP and a postgraduate degree in Writers’ Training at the Instituto Superior de Educação Vera Cruz, where she currently teaches. She has written more than thirty books for children and young people, with titles published in several countries. Pssssssssssssssiu! (Instituto Callis, 2012) was nominated for the Jabuti Prize and received the João de Barro Prize for Literature for Children and Young People. Sonhozzz (Salamandra, 2021), co-authored with Daniel Kondo, won the Jabuti in the children’s literature category. Published in 2022, the novel O último sábado de julho amanhece quieto (Autêntica Contemporânea) was a finalist for the São Paulo Literature Prize. In 2024, when she comes to Flip, she released another novel, entitled Resuscitar mamutes (Autêntica Contemporânea).