Mohamed Mbougar Sarr

Mohamed Mbougar Sarr was born in 1990 in Senegal, where he spent his childhood and adolescence; he now lives in France. Having studied Literature and Philosophy at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris, he interrupted his doctoral thesis in order to to write fiction. He wrote A mais recôndita memória dos homens (Fósforo, 2023), a book for which he received the Prix Goncourt, one of the most important in the French language, and that addresses, in a critical and mocking way, the intricacies of the literary system in the life of an African writer. In Brazil, he also published the novels Homens de verdade (Malê, 2022) and, in 2024, Terra silenciada (Malê).  Translated by: Diogo Cardoso, Fernando Klabin and Carla M. C. Renard