Mark Coeckelbergh

Mark Coeckelbergh* was born in 1975 in Leuven, Belgium. He graduated in Social Sciences in 1997 from the University of Leuven, where he also obtained a Master’s degree in Political Science in the same year. In 1999, he completed a Master’s degree in Social Philosophy at the University of East Anglia, in the United Kingdom, and in 2003, he obtained a Doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Birmingham, also in the United Kingdom. He has published more than fifteen books and several articles in the field of philosophy of technology, with an emphasis on the relationship between ethics and technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence. He is a member of the editorial boards of journals and book collections in this area, such as AI and Ethics, AI for Sustainable Development, AI Society, Science and Engineering Ethics and Cognitive Systems Research.
É pesquisador da Rede Mundial de Tecnologia (WTN), membro do Grupo de Especialistas de Alto Nível da Comissão Europeia em Inteligência Artificial, do Conselho Austríaco de Robótica e Inteligência Artificial e da Iniciativa Global IEEE para Considerações Éticas em Inteligência Artificial e Sistemas Autônomos.
In Ethics in artificial intelligence (Ubu/ Editora PUC-Rio, 2024), Coeckelbergh presents an overview of the ethical issues related to the extensive use of artificial intelligence: from influential narratives about the future of these technologies, through philosophical questions about the nature and future of human beings, to concerns about responsibility, privacy and bias. Based on this set of questions, the author goes further and discusses how the formulation of public policies can help to face the challenges in this field, before it is too late.


Translated by: Clarisse de Souza, Edgar Lyra, Matheus Ferreira and Waldyr Delgado  *The author’s participation in Flip was supported by the Ubu publishing house and the Internet Steering Committee in Brazil