Lisa Ginzburg

Lisa Ginzburg* was born in 1966 in Rome. She is a translator, philosopher and author of several novels, as well as biographies and books of essays. With Cara paz (Nós, 2023), was a finalist in 2021 for the Strega Prize, one of the most prestigious in Italian literature. In this delicate novel, Lisa portrays the intensity of the emotional bonds that unite sisters Nina and Maddalena, abandoned by their mother, portrayed as a woman living in an Italy governed by conservative values. The girls’ father is unable to accept his wife’s abandonment while dealing with raising his daughters. Until the family arrangement changes when a young French woman is hired to be the sisters’ emotional and educational caregiver. With the arrival of this other woman, the plot begins to investigate the resilience and strength shared by the protagonists in the face of the events of the novel, the author’s first published in Brazil.


Translated by: Francesca Cricelli  *The author’s participation in Flip was supported by the Italian Institute of Culture of São Paulo.