Jazmina Barrera

Jazmina Barrera was born in Mexico City in 1988. Her texts have been published in magazines such as The Paris Review,, El País,, Words Without Borders,, Malpensante,, Electric Literature and The New York Times, among others. She was a scholarship holder from the Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas and the Jóvenes Creadores del Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes (Fonca), and participated in the residency at Casa Estudio Cien Años de Soledad. She completed a master’s degree in creative writing in Spanish at NYU in New York, with the support of a Fulbright scholarship. She is a founding partner of Ediciones Antílope, and her books have been published in nine countries and translated into English, Italian, Dutch and French. Her book of essays, Cuerpo extraño (2013), won the 2013 Latin American Voices Award; and Linea nigra (Moinhos , 2023) originally published in 2020, was a finalist for the CANIEM Prize, the Primera Novela Prize and the National Book Critics Circle’s Gregg Barrios Book in Translation Prize. In 2024, when she comes to Flip, she will launch Lighthouse notebook (Mills).  Translated by: Silvia Massimini Felix.