Geni Núñez

Geni Núñez is a writer, Guarani indigenous activist and psychologist. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies of Universidade de São Paulo (IEA-USP). She holds a PhD from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Human Sciences from the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), where she also completed a master’s degree in Social Psychology and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. She is a member of the Human Rights Commission (CDH) of the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) and the Guarani Yvyrupa Commission (CGY). She is the author of Descolonizando afetos: experimentações sobre outras formas de amar (Paidós/Planeta, 2023), and the children’s book Jaxy Jaterê, o saci guarani (HarperKids/HarperCollins, 2023), illustrated by Miguela Moura. Geni brings a new title to Flip: Felizes por enquanto: escritos sobre mundos possíveis (Planeta, 2024).