Gabriela Cabezón Chamber

Gabriela Cabezón Cámara was born in Buenos Aires in 1968. She is a writer, cultural journalist and creative writing teacher. She has published novels, short story books and comics. Her debut work, Nossa Senhora do Barraco (Moinhos, 2023), was pre-selected for the Silverio Cañada Memorial Award, in addition to being chosen as Rolling Stone ‘s book of the year in Argentina. In 2013, she was a writer in residence at UC Berkeley, in California, United States. In 2015, she helped found Ni Una Menos, a movement against feminicide and gender-based violence, and today, among other activisms, she resists what is called the “capitalocene ”, in defense of the life of all beings. The Adventures of China Iron (Moinhos, 2021), originally published in 2017 in Argentina, had its English translation among the finalists for the 2020 International Booker Prize, while the French translation was also a finalist for the Prix Medicis the following year. The work of Gabriela has been translated into eleven languages, and Las niñas del Naranjel (2023), her most recent novel, won the Ciutat de Barcelona Prize .  Translated by: Silvia Massimini Felix