Juan Cárdenas

Juan Cárdenas was born in Popayán, Colombia, in 1978. He is a writer, art critic, curator and translator. He has written several novels and, in Brazil, published the novel O diabo nas províncias (DBA, 2024), 2017. He has translated authors such as William Faulkner, Thomas Wolfe, Gordon Lish, David Ohle, Machado de Assis and Eça de Queirós into Spanish. In 2014, his novel Los estratos (2013) received the Otras Voces Otros Ámbitos Award. In 2017, at the Hay Festival in Bogotá, Cárdenas was listed as one of the 39 best Latin American writers under 39 today. He currently coordinates the master’s program in creative writing at the Instituto Caro y Cuervo in Bogotá, Colombia, where he works as a professor and researcher. His most recent title is the essay La ligereza (2024).  Translated by: Marina Waquil