PANEL 16: In Search of the Garden

With Alice Walker and Conceição Evaristo

Host: Djamila Ribeiro, philosopher, writer and one of the main voices in defense of women and black people


In this historic encounter hosted by philosopher Djamila Ribeiro, American writer Alice Walker engages in dialogue with Conceição Evaristo, from Minas Gerais, author of Ponciá Vicêncio and one of the most important voices in contemporary Brazilian literature. During the pandemic she has taken refuge in a place where she follows the slow development of plants. A great admirer of Walker, Conceição is now meeting the author of The Color Purple for a conversation about literature, politics and gardens. The last book by Alice Walker published in Brazil is In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose.

Date and time:

12/04/2021 6pm
